This blog was maintained by Miss Szymanik during the time she taught at Pt England School. There will be no further posts and comments have been disabled.
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Ch ch ch ch changes!
This term we are going to be learning all about the changing states of MATTER! We will be learning about things that change matter when they are HEATED or COOLED, whether different materials sink or float, and the difference in materials, e.g. what makes plastic different from wood or metal!
We are going to doing lots of cool experiments so what this space to see what Room 24 get up to this term!!!
We are going to doing lots of cool experiments so what this space to see what Room 24 get up to this term!!!

Sunday, 11 September 2016
Duffy Hero Assembly
The student's of Point England were so lucky today. We got to hear from a very clever young man named Johnson Raela. He used to work on What Now! the TV show. Johnson talked to us about how important it is to read! He told us that he found reading really tricky when he was at Primary school - he went to reading recovery to help him. That didn't stop him though - Johnson worked hard and read lots and went to University. He has an amazing job that has taken him all over the world!
There were two very important things we learnt today:
Reading is very important - there is no job you can do when you are older if you can't read!
Make sure you read for enjoyment! That means find a book you enjoy reading. AND if you are reading a book you don't enjoy or find boring, find ANOTHER ONE!
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
Hiwi the Kiwi Show
Pt England School were lucky to have an amazing talk by Mr and Mrs Mistrel from Hiwi the Kiwi today. They taught us all about sustainability - which is a fancy word for keep things around for a long time. Those things are our fish and our birds. They also taught us about safety in the water.
Did you know?
- You must always wear a life jacket in a boat - even if you are a strong swimmer. Adults too!
- If a fish is less than 30cm long you MUST throw it back in the ocean
-If you throw litter in the ocean the birds can eat it and become sick and even die.
- Really, really big fish should be thrown back in the water as they are often Mummy fish and they have eggs inside! If they don't go back in the water they won't be able to give birth to more baby fish!
Tuesday, 26 July 2016
Bubble Gum Dance Group
Sunday, 24 July 2016
Room 24's First Trip to Harold at the Life Education Van
What an exciting first day of term Room 24 had. Not only did we have a fun-filled immersion assembly first thing in the morning, we were also lucky enough to visit Harold at the Life Education classroom after morning tea!!!
We talked about what it looked like to be a good friend. Do you know we all carry around a bucket? And when you do kind things like including people in your games, being polite, helpful and friendly you fill people's buckets up with happiness and good things. You are a 'bucket filler'. When you do things that are unkind, or are a 'bad' friend, you are taking those good, happy things out of the bucket. You are being a 'bucket dipper'.
What things can you do around school and at home to be a bucket filler?
We can't wait for our next visit to Harold!
Immersion Assembly Term 3 'We Are the Champions'
Welcome back to Term 3 Point England School, and welcome back Mr and Mrs Burt. As we do at the beginning of each new term, we had an exciting assembly to find out we will be learning about for our Inquiry topic in term 3. In our immersion topic 'We are the Champions' we will be looking at the Olympics which taking place in the city of Rio in the Country of Brazil. In team 2 we will be looking at the geography side of things: looking at our country New Zealand and the country the Olympics is taking place in, Brazil.
Do you know what city you live in? Do you know what suburb you live in?
Do you know what continent of the world Brazil is found?
Hopefully by the end of this term we will able to answer all these questions!!
Sunday, 29 May 2016
Te Tuhi Trip
Last Thursday Room 24 went on a class trip to Te Tehi Art Gallery in Pakuranga. Our Inquiry Topic for Term 2 is as i see it. Room 24 are looking at creating art that represents the season of summer.
We had a fantastic time at Te Tuhi. We got to have a go at doing some 'Dream House' art. We used shapes to create our dream home and drew all the cool things we would have inside our house.
We looked around the gallery and saw some very interesting Art. We learnt that Art doesn't just have to be a painting on the wall - it can be a photo, sculpture, movie or music.
Sunday, 1 May 2016
Welcome back to Term 2 - Our new Inquiry topic is 'As i see it'
Pt England students arrived back at school today ready to learn! Our Inquiry this term is called 'As i see it'. The whole school will be doing lots of exciting pieces of art. Year 2 are looking at art around the Seasons; Room 24 are going to be looking closely at the Summer season! What kind of colours make you think about summer and feel warm?
Friday, 8 April 2016
Fantastic Fia Fia Night

On Thursday, Pt England School had their Fia Fia Night. There were lots of different cultural groups that performed, as well as circus circus, hip-hop and jump-jam. The students were all amazing and Miss Szymanik was very proud of all the students in Room 24, as well as the students from Jump Jam. A big thank you to all the tutors, managers, teachers and students for all their hard work. What an amazingly cool night! Chahoooooo!
Monday, 7 March 2016
Sunday, 21 February 2016
Wednesday, 17 February 2016
Sunday, 14 February 2016
Duffy Theatre
Last Tuesday Room 24 was lucky enough to watch the Duffy Theatre. Three very talented people performed a show in the hall for us. The story taught us how important it is to read. There was a time machine that took the characters back in time! How cool is that? We are looking forward to doing lots of reading in Room 24 this year. We have been reading some books by our teachers favourite author Anthony Browne. Do you have a favourite author or book?
Room 24
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